Home » Detonator

Detonator is a
product used to initiate Dynamite as the start of blasting. Detonators can generally be divided into
Electric, Non-Electric, and Electric Detonators. PT Trifita Perkasa currently provides all three types of
detonators that can be customized according to customer needs:


An electric detonator
or electric detonator consists of an electric cable (“legwire”), a “fusehead” (fine
wire), and a detonator head (“Cap”). The detonation mechanism of an electric detonator is that after
electricity flows through the legwire, the fusehead triggers the detonator head (“cap”), generates heat
energy, and explodes. However, electric detonators are very sensitive to stray currents of electricity,
lightning, so they need to be handled more carefully and cautiously when used, especially during cloudy
weather because lightning can activate electricity, which can trigger a “premature” explosion.


detonators consist of a “signal tube” whose function is to conduct a signal to trigger the
non-electric head of the detonator with varying delay. The free end of the tube is closed, so air and water
cannot enter.  Non-electric detonators are widely used for blasting in open-pit, underground, and civilian
mines because they are safer against electric current and have the advantage of varying delays so that they
can be used for blasting with a relatively larger number of holes and even buses.